Eating disorders are a coping mechanism for dealing with internal and external sensory overwhelm. Talk therapy, although important, does not address the essential element of eating disorder recovery: sensory modulation.
The EDHN Program uses medically based principles of sensory modulation and sensory gating to empower you to decrease sensory overwhelm and create better coping mechanisms.
You will learn anatomy and physiology fundamentals, food and exercise myths, and tools to pause and choose how you want to live your life. This knowledge will rekindle your love of and respect for your body.
The EDHN Program goes beyond eating disorder management. As you address the sensory component of your eating disorder, you discover who you are, what you enjoy, and what your life goals are. The result? An active, fulfilling life!
You can do the EDHN Program from the privacy of your own home.
You can use this program any time and anywhere that is convenient for you. No more depending on another person's schedule or waiting until working hours for help.
The EDHN Program is only $33.50, and you get access to this program for life!
One-on-one eating disorder therapy sessions cost upwards of $150 per "therapist hour" (45 minutes).
Grounded in science, The EDHN Program utilizes the medical principles of sensory gating and neuroplasticity to help you achieve lasting eating disorder recovery.
The Eating Disorder Help Now Program does not require supplements, gadgets, elaborate formulas, or expensive subscriptions.
It is simply a program of reconnecting with your body and allowing it to thrive as it was meant to.
Eating disorders are a spectrum of behaviors. In extreme cases, eating disorders can require hospitalization and may even end in death. At the other end of the spectrum are people who obsess about food and their bodies for most of their day. Wherever you are on the spectrum, you deserve to be free of the shackles of food and body obsession. EDHN is the key.
If your brain is preoccupied with thoughts of food, diet, and needing to exercise, then this program will help you.
Similarly, if you have more than one wardrobe, i.e., clothes you hope to fit into someday, you will benefit from this program. Healthy bodies don't have extreme fluctuations in size.
Yes! This video system was designed for you to do on your own. In fact, studies show that self-motivated individuals demonstrate increased eating disorder recovery outcomes as well as longer-lasting recovery. The video system provides you with eating disorder help online any time you need it. There is a section in the course called "Dear Loved Ones" if you want to involve someone in your recovery.
If you are contemplating harming yourself or suicide, however, please call 911.
Nope. The program utilizes the resources you already have. While there are a few products I mention, they are optional to your eating disorder recovery, and I always suggest free or inexpensive options to obtain those items.
Yes. Eating disorders are as varied as the individuals who utilize them. Eating disorders are a coping mechanism to manage internal and external sensory overload. This program effectively allows the individual to choose healthier coping mechanisms and to achieve eating disorder recovery quickly.
You can use the EDHN Program whenever it is convenient for you. You have unlimited lifetime access, which means you can review the program as many times as you want, whenever you want.
There is almost 3 hours of information. You can stop and start as you wish.
This system has been used with hundreds of clients and has been 100% successful. If you buy the course and are unhappy with it, email within 30 days, and you can receive a full refund.
You are about to change your life and finally be free of the shackles of food and body obsession. hosts this online course. Click here or on the link below.
Despite there being more diets, exercises, and "health" programs than ever before, eating disorder statistics continue to climb. Something isn't working.
For the past 25 years, Amelia Lindberg, Physical Therapist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, public speaker, and author, has fine-tuned this revolutionary eating disorder recovery program. Her years of research have revealed the missing component to lasting eating disorder recovery: sensory modulation.
Once only available to her private clients, she now has made her program accessible to all through her online course EDHN, her public speaking, and her upcoming book.
Amelia Is a proud member of the AED, IAEDP, and the APTA.
She has started a long-overdue eating disorder recovery revolution.
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